You’ve heard a lot about the Duke case, but do you know how the lawyers score on the finer points of legal usage? See what issues you spot in these five sentences:
- Thus, despite telling Sgt. Gottlieb that she could identify the three men by their first names, and then giving him three names, the accuser now, after the passage of 8 months, claims that she could only identify two men by first names[.]
- All of these news conferences presented only his side of this issue and were made prior to him personally submitting these charges to the Grand Jury.
- If, however, the accuser was telling the truth on March 14, this would mean that Dave Evans now must be “Matt.”
- This conduct had the effect of propelling the District Attorney’s name and image into the national and local press and media during his highly-contested election campaign.
- In his zeal to push this case forward, and claim the national spotlight, on March 31, 2006, DA Nifong met with Durham Police Investigators and improperly injected himself into the photographic lineup proceedings, causing the Durham Police Department to violate its own policies in an effort to insure himself a source of information from which he could indict one or more Duke Lacrosse players.