Point Made: How to Write Like the Nation’s Top Advocates

Many litigators write well. But how many write like Elena Kagan, Paul Clement, Seth Waxman, Walter Dellinger, Ted Olson, Maureen Mahoney, Eric Holder, David Boies, John Roberts, or Brendan Sullivan?

If you want to get closer to the top, this new workshop offers concrete ways to do so.

After reviewing more than 500 motions and briefs from the most renowned advocates, I’ve identified specific techniques for everything from the first line of the introduction to the final sentence of the argument section.

Examples come from dozens of advocates, dozens of trial and appellate filings, and specialties ranging from intellectual property to torts and criminal law.

In three hours, you’ll go on a fast-paced tour of the best practices in advocacy writing. The program is also a companion to my book for Oxford University Press.

Sample Agenda

9:00 am: “The 15-Minute Introduction”
9:45 am: Adding Interest and Variety to the Prose
10:30 am: Short Break
10:45 am: Diagnosing and Fixing Structural Problems in the Argument
11:30 am: “Show Not Tell” and the Fact Section
12:00 pm: End

Enthusiastic Feedback

  • “Amazing, excellent, and extremely useful.”
  • “Terrific presentation, with specific, practical advice.”
  • “I’ve written or edited over 1,000 briefs. This is by far the best course
    I’ve seen.”
  • “I wish I had taken this 20 years ago.”
  • “By far the most interesting and useful writing course I’ve taken.”
  • “Great materials and great presentation.”
  • “Concrete, practical tools that I could use immediately.”
  • “Ross was an amazing presenter. The content alone was interesting and
    useful, but he made it entertaining.”
  • “Exciting pace.”
  • “Fantastic. All lawyers should hear what Ross has to say.”
  • “Offers tips that can be readily applied.”
  • “Very direct, useful information.”
  • “Fun and interesting.”
  • “Entertaining and timely.”
  • “A very enthusiastic and engaging speaker.”
  • “One of the best seminars I’ve taken in my 40 years of practice.”

More Endorsements

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